Raycom Electronics, Inc., a subsidiary of Electrotechnik Industries (ETI), was incorporated in 1965. The company is a leading edge manufacturer of custom transformers and inductors. and primarily serves OEMs and contract manufacturers in the avionics, defense, and space industries.

We specialize in the design and manufacture of custom magnetics for commercial, industrial, military (MIL-PRF-27 and MIL-PRF-21038), avionics and mission critical space (MIL-STD-981) applications. Raycom can provide full material traceability and has certified soldering technicians and inspectors to NASA-STD-8739.3, which is a requirement to comply with MIL-STD-981. All soldering technicians and inspectors are trained to MIL-STD-2000 and all soldering is in accordance with J-STD-002.

The Raycom facility has 20,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space and can handle just about any magnetic application you may require. For example, both miniature power inductors and switching power supply magnetics are available in surface mount and through-hole packages.

In terms of power, we build transformers and magnetic devices 1 KVA or higher depending on operating frequency. In size, we build power magnetics generally up to about 7 x 7 x 7 inches.

Raycom is certified and compiles with the requirements of ISO 9001 (see ISO certificate number CERT-0106051; File number 009863). Our customer service and engineering are fully engaged in joint development programs with key customers to ensure they receive high-performance, high-quality, and high-reliability products.

Raycom Electronics, Incorporated is located in Dover, Pennsylvania (near York, PA) and became part of Electrotechnik Industries (ETI) in 1985.

If you like working engineer-to-engineer, you will enjoy working with Raycom.